New Visions Group homes inc

13700 Jay Drive

PO Box 70

Neosho, Mo. 64850

 Phone: 417-451-8951        Fax: 417-451-1780


Additional Resources

Hippa Resource

New Visions, Inc. collects and maintains a great deal of personal health information about the people we serve.  The Federal HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) regulations on privacy and confidentiality limit how health care providers and their workforce members may use and disclose this information.  In many cases, prior consents or authorizations from the person receiving services must be obtained.  In order to protect the privacy and confidentiality of protected personal health information and to comply with the provisions of federal policy.  The scope of the policies and procedures covers all records maintained by New Visions relating to treatment, billing, and background information.

Purpose and Ownership

To protect the confidentiality of treatment/health records by establishing a written policy regarding the release of information from New Visions, Inc.  Health records are defined as any identifiable information about people we serve that is transmitted orally, or is kept in either written or electronic form.

Treatment/health records (regardless of the media on which they are maintained) are the property of New Visions, Inc., but the treatment/health information contained in the records belongs to the person receiving services.  New Visions, Inc.  is both legally and ethically obligated to protect verbal, written, and electronic information contained in its treatment/health records from persons not entitled to it, and therefore has adopted policies and procedures governing release of such information in order to protect the expectation of privacy.  All employees are expected to strictly adhere to all policies defined by Federal HIPAA regulations.  If an employee ignores and deviates from defined polices and procedures, New Visions, Inc. reserves the right to disassociate itself from the employee in regards to legal actions that may be pending against that employee

Funding Resources

useful Links on Topics and Issues

Funding resources are available for individual's with developmental disabilities.  The Department of Mental Health provides funding through federal and state monies.

Developmental disabilities are considered severe, chronic, and manifested before the age of 22, and are likely to be a lifetime disability.  An individual must have substantial limitations in two or more areas: Self care, language, learning, mobility, self-direction, ability to live independently, economically self-supporting, or need for individual or coordinated services.


New Visions Group Homes, Inc.